- Airport last minute
- The team
- Andes
- Logistics is everything
- Road to Atakama
- Ready to go!
- Domeyko - Poland and Chile have a lot in common
- Off road
- Desert first immpression
- Almost Mars
- Dinner is served
- Dinner is served
- Our camo at Santa Rosa
- Vicunia
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Rosa - it's not salt and nor the snow
- Laguna Santa Rosa
- Flamingos in Laguna Santa Rosa
- Vicunia (once)
- Our Garmin did well
- Laguna Santa Rosa
- Trekking
- Trekking
- Fist summit
- Work at night
- We are ready to move further (higher:)
- Off road to Atakama
- Ojos del Saldo is close
- Ojos del Saldo
- Hot springs
- Holiday!
- Laguna Verde - dr Patryk Krzyzak
- Laguna Verde - Zbyszek Popienia
- Testing the gear
- Preparing the diving gear
- Ready to take a plunge
- Almost ready...
- Off we go!
- Diving in Laguna Verde
- Diving Laguna Verde
- Rest after dive
- Satellite communication
- Our camp at Laguna Verde
- Chill out in hot springs
- Briefing
- Trekking
- A moment..
- Trekking
- Trekking - Kate
- Trekking Laguna Verde
- Laguna Verde from above - this year not blue anymore
- Meadow:)
- Diving again
- A nice stone
- Trekking or diving - ready for anything
- A check dive;)
- Tanks in Atakama - first time here;)
- Ready to go further (higher)
- Our car
- Porters contemplating our tanks
- Up to Refugio Tejo
- On the way up
- Our next stop
- Ojos del Saldo - finally
- Getting colder
- Everyday notes
- On the way to Ojos del Salado
- Medical exams
- Soup - still warm
- Cold, really cold nights
- And a fox:)
- Trekking
- Andes
- Refugio Tejos 5900 masl
- Refugio Tejos
- Charging batteries
- Trying to stay on-line
- Ice
- Waitig for a sattelite signal
- More ice
- And more ice!
- El Lago de Los Polacos - our discovery!
- And a small "Patrick's" lake
- Checking the ice
- Before dive
- It's not easy to wear a dry suit at 5700 masl
- Checking the ice
- Lake
- Patrick trying not to dive yet
- The ice is quite big
- Praying for some water in the desert (small lake please!)
- High altitude yoga
- Weather break down
- Refugio Tejos 5900 masl
- OK, I will do it!
- Our lake!
- Diving in the newly discovered lake, at 5715 masl
- Yes, we did it!
- For the press:)
- El Lago de Los Polacos
- Underwater - we found life
- Ojos del Salado
- Ojos del Salado summit
- Ojos del Salado by night
- Vents discovered by Maciek - Ojos could still be active
- Way back
- Good bye dive
- Laguna Verde
- Way back
- This is the end. We will be back!