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The second day of acclimatization; we gradually increasing the distance and altitude of trekking. Yesterday we took 2-hour trek to 3,980. Today 3-3.5 hours trek at the height of 4,300+. Medical tests took us this morning about 2 hours, a bit faster than yesterday. We collect enormous medical and psychological data. For a while our measuring equipment refused to work, but warmed in the sun began to operate. It seems that we have to find additional room in our sleeping bags. We all feel well, we have no acclimatization problems, but probably it’s still too early to move to Laguna Verde (4,400 m). Tomorrow we will try to get up early and again increase the altitude and take longer route. Last night was colder than yesterday (about +6 degrees in the evening and – 4 degrees in the morning), but sleeping bags performed excellent. Wind starts to blow everyday around noon, but late evening fades. Throughout the night and till noon there is nothing but undisturbed silence. The sky is starry – have never seen such a sky! On the way from Copiapo to Laguna Santa Rosa we saw an astronomical observatory ESO (European Southern Observatory). Atacama is one of the best places in the world to conduct observations of the sky. We saw Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, we looking for the Southern Cross.